Jet Jaguar vs Jeff

The frigid October air was pierced by a shrill scream as notorious edgelord Jeff stabbed some guy on the street to death. As the crimson liquid pooled around the body Jeff felt happy, for he was a pathetic loser who needed to kill in order to feel important. He licked his lidless eyes like a lizard as he searched the body for any information, once Jeff found the man’s wallet he made tracks for his home hoping to murder some women and children.
Once the fucker reached the house he began prowling the outside looking for any signs of life, fortunately for him the living room light was on. Since subtly was not in his dictionary the shit lord crashed through the sliding glass doors that separated the back yard from the living room. Inside Jeff found two children, a boy and a girl, and a young woman.
“Time for a blood festival you bags of flesh!”
Cried Jeff as he brandished the knives causing all in attendance to flee in terror. Jeff gave chase hunting them through the house until a loud slam indicated that the people had hidden in the basement.
“Hide all you want, I won’t rest until you are dead! My lust for death must be slaked!”
Jeff began to stab the door but only succeeded in getting his knives stuck. Reeeing in fury Jeff charged into the door and broke it with his shoulder. He then promptly fell down the stairs. Once he had picked himself off the floor Jeff saw the children cowering in the corner, but the girl was nowhere to be seen.
“Children are good targets because they can’t fight back!” Jeff cackled as he advanced, however robot noises to his left caught his attention. Jeff turned and saw a silver robot with red, orange and blue parts designed to make it look like it was wearing clothes. Its face was sculpted so it was smiling. The body language however showcase that this thing was ready for a fight.
“Why don’t you pick on something your own size you micro dicked cuck!” yelled the girl as she shot Jeff in the shoulder with a gun “Jet Jaguar finish him, I’ll get the kids outta here!”
“No!” screamed Jeff as he lunged at the kids only to be speared by the Robot, who followed up with a suplex. Jeff glared at the robot who only gave a thumbs up as the humans fled upstairs.
“So you wanna throw down eh? I’ll put you in the ground you bucket of bolts!” Jeff charged and threw a punch, but his fist was swatted away and his arm was twisted behind his back as a result. The Robot held Jeff in place for a second before slamming its knee into Jeffs back causing him to fall to his knees. A quick karate chop to the head dazed Jeff for a second allowing the Robot the pick him up and throw him violently to the ground. Jeff was then drop kicked into a wall.
All the abuse had cause Jeff to enter a blood rage and he leapt up and tried to kick the robot, but his foot was caught and the robot broke his leg at the knee. Jeff screeched in pain and tried to claw at the robots face, but the robot grabbed his arm, tore it off and used the exposed bone to drive it into Jeff’s chest. Finally the Robot took Jeff’s head in its hands and smashed it into its knee so hard that Jeff’s head exploded. With all that done the robot gave one more thumbs up before shutting down.